The thing about hornpipes is that there is a big range within the
   category. "Navvie On the Line" makes an excellent clog hornpipe as it
   is comfortable to play at a very steady pace. Proudlock's isn't so good
   for clogging but fits the Canadian Barn Dance well, as does Roxburgh
   Castle. Lift Roxburgh up a tad and it makes an excellent rant. Most
   people have heard the Sailor's Hornpipe played as a rant a last night
   of the Proms stuff. It's all a matter of comfort and enjoyment. In a
   rant dancers are airborne for the "ma" bit of   "tomato soup" this sets
   narrow limits on the range of tempos suitable for the dance. It has to
   be a bit faster than a Canadian Barn Dance. Experienced dancers like
   the rants with a hornpipe lift but played at a speed which uses gravity
   to advantage a much easier said than done.

   As aye


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