A lyric fragment, sung to the tune, eg 'All the Night I Lay with Jockey
   in my Arms', or

   -failing this - a dummy lyric including the title, can help - make up
   your own examples, as daft ones of your own invention stick better.

   Remembering the first bar or 2 of the tune, with the sound of yourself
   announcing it out loud before you start to play it, can help too.
   Remembering sets of tunes in order like Morpeth Rant/Jock Wilson of
   Fenton/ Cheviot Rant, or Hesleyside Reel/Roxburgh Castle can peg one to
   another usefully.

   But everyone's memory works in a different way - find what works for

   Don't try to learn a whole tunebook full at once - start with 2 or 3 of
   your favourites.



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