Hi Phlip,
The recital was fine and I think the tuning that Francis was complaing about was due to the last pieces being played in the tonic minor where the tuning can go off unless mean tuning has been attempted on the chanter. The final groans were possibly meant to be a humorous indication of the piper collapsing after drinking too much at the wedding.
Colin R

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Gruar <phi...@gruar.clara.net>
To: Francis Wood <oatenp...@googlemail.com>
CC: Dartmouth NPS <nsp@cs.dartmouth.edu>
Sent: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 16:53
Subject: [NSP] Re: musette

Hi Francis 
The musette seems fairly out of tune. By 5.45 the pitch is rapidly
losing >altitude, finally crashing at 6.30. 
I didn't listen that far! As I said, all those Hotteterre pieces tend to sound the same, and yes, "hard driven" is just the phrase for it - which is another reason I didn't stick it out all the way to 5.45, let alone 6.30.  A more delicate touch on musette and harpsichord, plus a bass viol to balance the bass line and it would have been so much better.  I listened to a couple of clips of the Loibner recording and have to say I prefer the Palladians for sheer verve and fun. Loibner and co. sound very refined which although probably what the original players might have aimed for, does lose a lot of the rustic joie-de-vivre. Without that, one might as well have a "straight" baroque rendering of the original Vivaldi - or even a non-straight rendering, as so brilliantly done by Red Priest. 
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