Bill's cases certainly do last. I still have 3 in use, the youngest of
   which is 41!
   It was the bought-in handles that tended to go, but these were bolted
   through to the inside and could be replaced easily.
   If memory serves Foster Charlton and Colin Ross also made their own
   cases in those days. I seem to remember Colin showing me a completely
   closed box which he then sawed around to give the main body + perfectly
   matched lid of a pipes case.
   As for Bill, he made many things including clarsachs, a guitar and a
   Tertis model viola. His proudest object, however, was a silver chalice
   for the General Hospital Chapel which he made from sliver reclaimed
   from old X-ray plates!!
   He was a fascinating guy and enriched the lives of all who knew him.
   Thank you to contributors for stirring up some wonderful memories.
   As aye


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