That would work very efficiently . . . in fact, probably too efficiently.

Wouldn't it be better to leave it to the individual writer to decide whether 
they want their addition to the forum announced on Dartmouth?

And isn't there a facility for the individual reader to opt in to an email 
alert facility?

At the moment, theres an awful lot of duplication on the Dartmouth & NSP 
Discussion lists, about which, I'll post separately. 


On 4 Jul 2011, at 13:29, wrote:

> A simple way of automating this would be to register the Dartmouth list email 
> address to receive new topic and new message notification from the NPS forum.
> Quoting
>>> - Announcement on Dartmouth of any new topic or significant addition to
>>> the Forum which the provider thinks may be of general interest.
>> That would be very helpful.
>> One of the major advantages of the email list is that you don't have to go
>> looking for it.
>> Chris
>> To get on or off this list see list information at

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