On 13 Sep 2011, Rob Say wrote: 

> This book on the haggis: 
> http://www.avrf23.dsl.pipex.com/The%20Haggis%20TYPESET%2016%20feb-2.pdf
> Both references grain prices and crop failures for the period:
> " 1790s Harvest Failure, 1799 Price of corn was more than double the 
> level of the 1790s, Harvest Failure"
> AND has a substantial reference list ... none of which are on my bookshelf.

The prices were additionally hiked by the British government requisitioning 
foodstuffs for the troops/navies / etc for the various ongoing military 
at the time. 

I can find no reference to whisky in "A History of the Scottish People 
1560-1830" - 
generally reckoned a standard social history text, if now a bit dated. The only 
famine it mentions is the big 1690s one which took out 25% of the Scottish 
population (and by extrapolation probably a sizeable chunk of the Northumbrian, 
since the area looked north, not south).


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