Good morning everyone,
The number of people who have asked for tickets for the Perth Glory game
is swelling by the hour so I have set up a bank account to start
collecting payments for the tickets (otherwise I won't be able to cover
the bill).
When you deposit the money, can you please put your name & number of
tickets in the payment description field e.g. "Chantry 2 tickets".  This
will ensure that I know who the money has come from and I can cross you
off my list.  If you are paying for more than one ticket can you also
email me with the names that you're paying for.
The account details are:
Commonwealth Bank
B S B: 062-692
Acc #: 1077 4823
Name: Marcus Chantry 
I have attached the latest list of who has confirmed so far:
First Name       Surname         State  
Rob      Anderson        VIC    
Nigel    Brown   VIC    
Mark     Bujok   QLD    
David    Bujok   WA     
Marcus   Chantry         NSW    
Roger    Cooper  NSW    
Paul     Crowe   NSW    
Leanne   Curtain         WA     
Steve    Dalton  QLD    
Jay      Dalton  QLD    
Brian    Dawson  NSW    
Stephen          Edwards         NSW    
Claire   Elliott         UK     
Greg     Elliott         UK     
Alex     Fitzsimmons     QLD    
Graeme   Fitzsimmons     QLD    
Kate     Gallin  WA     
James    Graves  NSW    
Trevor   Jones   QLD    
Parma    Juss 1  NSW    
Parma    Juss 2  NSW    
Parma    Juss 3  NSW    
Matthew          Leese   NSW    
Michael  Lewis   NSW    
Nicky    Lewis   NSW    
Steve    Lewis   VIC    
Les      Lloyd   NSW    
Suzanne  Manning         QLD    
Peter    Marchant        WA     
Duncan   McLean  QLD    
Steve    Millward        NSW    
Lee      Morris 1        QLD    
Wayne    Pannell         VIC    
Jim      Parkes  NSW    
Jim      Parkes 2        NSW    
Wayne    Parry   NSW    
Wayne    Parry 2         WA     
Martin   Poole   NSW    
Ian      Rowson  WA     
Tony     Slater  QLD    
Dean     Walker  VIC    
Mark     Worrall         NSW    
Darrell  Yates   QLD    
If anyone has any questions then please drop me an email or give me a
call on the mobile.


T +61 2 8232 4259  |  M 0448 887 627




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Pig's pudding - it's a mon's dinner aer kid

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