Clean sheet.
First away win in the top flight since 1984.
First goal.
451 formation does us well away

I am over the moon.

2009/8/19 Steven Millward <>

> Interesting.  Keogh up front BY HIMSELF scores the winner.
> What do you make of that Rog?
> 2009/8/18 Rog & Rita <>
>  Humour has returned to MM and on a grand scale.
>> Thought there'd be only one tool on there who'd suggest putting Keogh up
>> front BY HIMSELF but no, there are quite a few.
>> Reminds me of the QPR game many moons ago when McGhoo (was it?) played
>> Corica up front by himself.
>> With our injuries we may have to get Corica back, at least he can score
>> occasionally now.
>> >>

Pig's pudding - it's a mon's dinner aer kid

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