Absolutely brilliant, and a live feed enabled me to watch most of the
first half......happy happy happy


From: nswolves@googlegroups.com [mailto:nswol...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Steven Millward
Sent: Wednesday, 19 August 2009 06:41
To: nswolves@googlegroups.com
Subject: [NSWolves] Re: Tonight's team

Clean sheet.  
First away win in the top flight since 1984.  
First goal.  
451 formation does us well away

I am over the moon.

2009/8/19 Steven Millward <millward....@gmail.com>

        Interesting.  Keogh up front BY HIMSELF scores the winner.
        What do you make of that Rog?
        2009/8/18 Rog & Rita <rognr...@exemail.com.au> 

                Humour has returned to MM and on a grand scale.
                Thought there'd be only one tool on there who'd suggest
putting Keogh up front BY HIMSELF but no, there are quite a few.
                Reminds me of the QPR game many moons ago when McGhoo
(was it?) played Corica up front by himself.
                With our injuries we may have to get Corica back, at
least he can score occasionally now.

Pig's pudding - it's a mon's dinner aer kid

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