Yes, I think we're agreed that success or failure reflects on the manager -
but can the manager do anything to influence that success or failure? Is he
carrying too much weight and responsibility without enough influence?



From: [] On Behalf
Of Morris, Lee SGT
Sent: Wednesday, 11 November 2009 2:07 PM
Subject: [NSWolves] Re: Darren Ferguson anyone? [sec=unclassified]


Whilst I do believe we have changed managers far to frequently in the past,
I think Marcus is correct.


The success or failure of any football team ultimately reflects on the
manager, at Wolves MM recruits, directs coaching sessions, picks the team
for match day, makes substitutions, etc, etc...he doesn't pay for the
players and his budget is controlled by someone else, the only way he can be
spared any blame for the performance of our team in my opinion.




From: [] On Behalf
Of Marcus Chantry
Sent: Wednesday, 11 November 2009 12:59
Subject: [NSWolves] Re: Darren Ferguson anyone? [sec=unclassified]

As usual, I disagree.  I believe managers are responsible for building and
controlling the culture within their clubs, dictate the work ethic of the
club and the style of play for the club. The better ones will also have
major influence on the recruitment/development strategy for the club.  A
perfect example of this, albeit a rare & possibly unique example, is one
Alex Ferguson.  When he started Man Utd were very mediocre.  He built a
youth development system, he set a particular style of football that he
wanted his players to follow and instilled a very strong work ethic with the
young players.  This "Culture" has developed through the club over many
years and has made the club what it is today.  The money has come as a
result of the attractive football and the success that it delivered, not the
other way around.


Now I doubt for a minute that we're about to unearth another Sir Alex,
however, I think we need a strong manager to direct the major facets of the
club which means that similar to Sir Alex they would have a large effect on
the results of the club.  If we play well, start getting results then people
will want to pay to see us play, investors and sponsors will hand over money
to be associated with the club.


On the other hand, maybe we can use this research to approach the club and
suggest that they get rid of the manager and replace him with a cooperative
of NSWolves members, as at the end of the day we won't have any effect on
the results and we can't be any worse than Thick Mick.





From: [] On Behalf
Of Steven Millward
Sent: Wednesday, 11 November 2009 1:43 PM
Subject: [NSWolves] Re: Darren Ferguson anyone? [sec=unclassified]

My concern with this is that you seem to be concluding that the manager is
almost entirely responsible for the success of the club.


I have read research in the past that says that the manager has very little
to do with the success of the club.  It's mostly down to money and luck.
The manager gets far too much focus as it's the public face of the club in
the media.  The culture of football is such that fans have been brainwashed
in almost Pavlovian ways to thinking that the manager is the culprit.  Fans
build up into a coital frenzy of wanting the managers head in exchange for
the recent run of poor results which is then satisfied by the orgasmic
dismissal of the manager.  The board can then get on with running the club
without the pressure of fans to "so something".  The fans have a snooze, or
argue over who the next manager shoud be.  


See this
football-manag.pdf>  link for an overview of that thinking.  Managers get
sacked when results are poor but there's no evidence that it's because of
the manager that results are poor.  Subsequent managers fare no better which
suggests that managers have little impact on the club.


There are some managers that are seemingly better than others, such as
O'Neill but over the medium term most don't really improve their teams
beyond their relative pecking order in the league, which is largely money
driven.  The time when managers do count is when the relationship and
respect from players is weak, and that doesn't seem to be the case at Woles.


There are examples like Stoke and Wigan that seem to be punching above their
weight but a lot of this is driven by money and luck.  The League One table
now makes interesting reading as it's littered with clubs that have sunk due
to financial mismanagement, which is the other side of the coin over the
medium term.


The first question is:  If you rank all of the teams in the premier league
by the quality of their first XI/squad, where would Wolves rank?  I reckon
we'd be bottom three anyway


The second is:  Could we have built a better side, without risking the
future of the club?  I suspect not.  Doyle was willing to come, which is a
surprise, but how many other players of that quality were willing to?
Probably none.


The final question then is:  Would another manager do any better with the
players we've got.  I suspect not again.  There might be a honeymoon period
but that might not be enough to save us.



2009/11/11 Marcus Chantry <>

No need to apologise Paul, I don't have much confidence in my own financial
acumen or decision making logic so I don't expect you or anyone else to find
much value from it.


I think for point 1 it's more around having experience at a top level,
whether that be La Liga, Serie A, Liga Sagres or even international
management experience.  Most sides would be very reluctant to appoint
someone who hasn't got a good record at the top level.  Whether it's right
or wrong it makes it very hard to get a gig in the Premier League if your
background is from lower leagues.


point 2 - we knew what we were getting ourselves in for when we appointed
Thick Mick.  Has has a good track record of getting teams performing and
even promoted at Championship level.  He has proven (twice now) that he is
not up to the task of managing at the top level and therefore should be
spared the embarrassment of being relegated for a second time and let him
return to the level of his natural abilities ie Championship or lower.


which brings us to point 3 - For Balti pies and Led Zep concert tickets we
should be able to take our pick from any manager on the planet.  Assuming we
can get Morgan to put together this attractive package before Christmas, we
can shaft MM and get a decent manager in place - we will be Premier League
Champions within 2 years.



From: [] On Behalf
Sent: Wednesday, 11 November 2009 11:05 AM 

Subject: [NSWolves] Re: Darren Ferguson anyone? [sec=unclassified]


Sorry Marcus,


Your jumps in logic and assumptions, points 1,2 and 3, were not what I
implied in my email. Far from it. Sorry, I do not have your Financial acumen
/ programming to make the conclusions you have drawn.


To be clear, my comments on your points as follows:


1.      Disagree. Firstly, look at all the foreign Coaches in the Premier
league at the moment. How many of them had Premier league experience before
they were appointed by their respective clubs? If you have the talent and
the backing of the Club then you do not need Premier league experience to
make it as a successful Coach. People like Steve Coppell and Alan Curbishley
achieved promotion with their respective sides before acquiring Premier
League management experience. As they deserved, just like MM has after
achieving promotion. 
2.      Disagree, MM has earned his chance to manage the Wolves in the Prem.

3.      Partly agree, if we were to appoint another Manager then yes, you
would think the club would appoint someone with a consistent record of being
successful in the Premier League. How to do this? Pay them a lot of money!
Give them full control of player recruitment. Bonus scheme for level of
success attained. Free tickets to Led Zep concerts and balti pies on match





From: [] On Behalf
Of Marcus Chantry
Sent: Wednesday, 11 November 2009 10:30 AM
Subject: [NSWolves] Re: Darren Ferguson anyone? [sec=unclassified]


I might be a bit confused this morning but based on the comments from the
previous emails it seems:


1) you can't manage a Premier League team unless you have a successful track
record of managing a Premier League team - in that case how do get the
opportunity to try?

2) on the basis that Thick Mick has a good record in the Championship but a
crap record at managing in the Premier League then he shouldn't be our
manager - he should always remain a Championship level manager.

3) if the only managers that are suitable for the premier league are the
successful ones, how do you get them to leave their successful clubs to
manager sh1te teams like Wolves?





From: [] On Behalf
Of Steven Millward
Sent: Wednesday, 11 November 2009 10:15 AM
Subject: [NSWolves] Re: Darren Ferguson anyone? [sec=unclassified]

Boo!  Thick Mick out!

2009/11/11 <>

Are you serious Lee?


Posh are bottom of the League, that is why he has been sacked. Even though I
think it very harsh he has been sacked so quickly after successive
promotions. That said the management at Posh are obviously convinced he
can't turn it around. 


Okay MM has been bottom of the Premier League with us and Sunderland but to
my knowledge he has never been bottom of the Championship with a team, far
from it!!


Ferguson was useless down the Molineux, played only a handful of good games
from memory. Obviously has been successful as a lower league Manager but has
not made the grade at Championship level. What makes you think he will be
successful for the Wolves in the Premier?



Paul Crowe

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From: [] On Behalf
Of Morris, Lee SGT
Sent: Wednesday, 11 November 2009 9:34 AM
Subject: [NSWolves] Darren Ferguson anyone? [sec=unclassified]


Just left Peterborough after two successive promotions.


Would be ok with Sir Alex as assistant




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