I must remember not to read emails like this in crowded places such as
lifts.  Everyone started looking at me when I burst out laughing for no
apparent reason. LMAO.


From: nswolves@googlegroups.com [mailto:nswol...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Steven Millward
Sent: Wednesday, 21 April 2010 8:03 AM
To: nswolves@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [NSWolves] 1st May Wolves Meeting

12 beers on tap
12 schooners to drink.
My understanding on the etiquette of drinking real ale is:

*       That I can hold each glass of beer up the light, screw my face
up and then ask for it to be replaced on the grounds of being "thick".
Whatever that means. 
*       Then after taking each sip, I smack my chops together exclaiming
"Ooooh, yes", whilst secretly thinking it tastes like stewed socks.

Am I on the right track?
On 20 April 2010 22:53, Rog & Reet <rognr...@exemail.com.au> wrote: 

        Put me down for a spot.

        What are the Philistines going to drink if there ain't no crappy
Lion Nathan on tap?


        Just seen from the Harts site that Lobethal and Mountain Goat is
coming up.

        Two of the best beers I've had for a while, thanks Microbeer

        The Lobethal was so good I ordered a mixed carton from them,
lovely stuff.

        Mountain Goat I've had a few times before but not for at least
18 months, excellent gear.



        From: nswolves@googlegroups.com
[mailto:nswol...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Marcus Chantry 
        Sent: Tuesday, 20 April 2010 3:56 PM
        To: nswolves@googlegroups.com; les.ll...@veoliawater.com;
xtremefloorcoveri...@hotmail.com; wol...@wlv.ac.uk; Andy Fellows; Duncan
McLean; Elliot Dale; Graeme Fitzsimmons; Jeremy Thake;
lee.mor...@defence.gov.au; Mark; Michael Lewis; Parma Juss; Paul
Johnson; Steve Lewis; Tony Slater; Trevor Jones; Wayne Pannell
        Subject: [NSWolves] 1st May Wolves Meeting
        Importance: High



        Hi everyone, 


        keen to check whether everyone is available to meet up on
Saturday 1st May 2010, where hopefully we can celebrate retaining our
Premier League status.


        suggest a 12:30pm start at Harts Pub, in the Rocks.




        Use the voting buttons above to indicate whether you are going
to be there.





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        Pig's pudding - it's a mon's dinner aer kid


Pig's pudding - it's a mon's dinner aer kid

Pig's pudding - it's a mon's dinner aer kid

Pig's pudding - it's a mon's dinner aer kid

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