Definite penalty and the ball Jarvis headed back across goal for Doyle to
score did not look out to me.


Paul Crowe

Sales Manager - Asia Pacific


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From: [] On Behalf
Of Morris, Lee SGT
Sent: Monday, 3 October 2011 8:23 AM
Subject: [NSWolves] No Comment [sec=unclassified] [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]



No deedback about Saturday's game?


I was away and didn't watch, so will not comment on the performance.


Seems like the natives are getting very restless though.


I do not agree with booing players or cheering the substitution of any
Wolves player, Wolves fans are notoriously fickle like that, and it seems
like more and more are seeing Karl Henry as one of our very big weak links.


Any thoughts? Is Mad Mick safe?

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Marcus thinks Mick is a superb manager

Marcus thinks Mick is a superb manager

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