Hello fellow Wolves tragics!


I have put on the "Roger rose tinted glasses" and confidently forecast the


Fulham 1
Blackburn 3
Man U 0
Norwich 1
Bolton 3
Stoke 0
Arsenal 0
Sunderland 3
Man City 0
Swansea 3
Everton 3
Wigan 3


20 points!! We will be safe.


Realistically, if we can win all our games against Blackburn, Bolton and
Wigan we should have a great chance of staying up. 


Paul Crowe

Sales Manager - Asia Pacific


ConTech (Sydney Office)


PO Box 3517

Rhodes Waterside

Rhodes NSW  2138

Tel: 02 97396636  Fax: 02 97396542

Mob: 0406009562

Email:  <mailto:pcr...@contechengineering.com> pcr...@contechengineering.com

Website:  <http://www.contechengineering.com> www.contechengineering.com


Boo! Curbishley out!

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