At 20:19 11/12/2003, you wrote:
On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Hans Hagen wrote:

> \startstandardmakeup
>    \startlocalfootnotes
>    Thanks \footnote{test}
>    \stoplocalfootnotes
>    \vfill \placelocalfootnotes
> \stopstandardmakeup

This works fine for separate titlepages, is there a similar technique for
doing this when the title is on the first page of the text (see the
attached dvi from my last message for an example)?  I had tried using
local footnotes during my experimentation the other day, but they always
appeared between the title and the text, rather than below the first
column of text, as is the norm.  Again, this is a minor issue, as a
combination of \high, \footnotetext, and \resetnumber work just fine as a
quick hack...

\title{test \footnote{test}}

\section{test \footnote{test}}

tets \footnote{test}

\framed{\postponefootnotes test \footnote{test}}

should work, but somehow the latest greatest multi note version messes up the postponed notes (they end up in a separate class)

> \setuplabeltext[en][section={{},{.}},subsection={{},{.}}]
> should do that; i don't know why it does not break in your case

Ah...thank you; this does work.  Although I must say, I would *never* have
gotten this from the documentation which treats \setuphead and it's
command parameter as the way to control the appearance of sectioning
titles, and never provides a backreference to \setuplabeltext, which is
tucked away in the chapter on language specific issues.  And even there,
the documentation never comes close to describing the behavior shown

it started as an experiment -)

above.  Thank goodness for the living breating documentation that this
list provides then, eh?

hm, this double label thing is needed for chinese (which introduced a few more interesting non documented features)

anyhow, those few hours playing learned you read context source code -)


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