Hello Gray,

get a copy of filemon for your M$ Windows version from www.sysinterals.com.
This free tool shows you all kind of file operations on your system.
Just unpack and start filemon.exe and enter "texexec*" in the Include: part
of the appearing filter dialog. Enable "Advanced Output" in the "options" menu.

After that start "texexec --verbose" in your shell.
The rest is on you... ;)

Hope this helps,


Gary Pajer wrote:

warning : texexec.ini not found, did you read


It's really not finding it. The thing that surprises me is that no-one


has mentioned this. That's why I keep thinking that I've done something

Maybe trying to run ConTeXt with MikTeX instead of using TeX Live 2003,
or trying to run ConTeXt in a Win32 configuration that puts spaces in
the paths?

[longish comments deleted]

Thanks for your comments, George.
FWIW, I don't have any spaces in my MiKTeX directory tree, but I do use the
default XP system for organizing document files, and that system does have a
lot of spaces (e.g.,  "Documents and Settings")

I'm not married to MiKTeX, so I can switch to fpTeX. Any comments?
From what I can tell, fpTeX has better ConTeXt integration, while MiKTeX has
a better system for keeping up to date.
Anything else?


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