I am trying to find a euro symbol for my work.

I have \def\euro{\uchar{32}{172}} [character € which I got from some XSL-FO 
literature I downloaded] and I use 
\defineXMLentity    [euro]          {\euro}
as I am transforming from XML.

What I then get is 
! Font \unicodefont=UnicodeRegular20 at 10.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file 
not found.

MikTeX has a comprehensive package manager,  and I have tried installing packages 
"uni" [billed as "The Universal Font"] and "universa" but no joy. Does anyone know 
where to get this font? Please don't tell me from Y&Y :-)

  “Since light travels faster than sound, isn’t that why 
   some people appear bright until you hear them speak” 
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