>At 17:46 16/01/2004, you wrote:
>>I am trying to find a euro symbol for my work.
>>MikTeX has a comprehensive package manager,  and I have tried installing 
>>packages "uni" [billed as "The Universal Font"] and "universa" but no joy. 
>>Does anyone know where to get this font? Please don't tell me from Y&Y :-)
>do you need unicode?
>   \usesymbols[eur]

Actually this just requires another font I don't have (eurose). If anyone has any 
exeprience with Unicode I would like the flexibility this provides, as the euro is 
just a sample case. btw I have searched CTAN for UnicodeRegular and eurose, and no 
hits. If anyone happens to know which package bundles either of these two fonts I'd 
appreciate it. Especially if you have it working in MiKTeX 2.4.

Thanks all.

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