It would be wonderful if I could find an easy way to translate my ConTeXt source-files to html. So I was wondering if going via xml would be a viable method. Unofrtunately, I know next to nothing about xml. I played a bit with Emacs nxml mode and tried to understand "xml in context," but a couple of stupid questions remain:

1) even with specialized tools like onyx or Emacs xml mode, will writing these source files ever be as easy as writing TeX-source? Is it worth the extra effort?

2) Can anybody point me to an example document written in xml that can be processed by ConTeXt?

3) If I understand "xml in context" correctly, one has to specify quite a few of the xml commands in a dtd so ConTeXt understands them. I had a look at x-contml.tex to see what such definitions should look like. So I wonder: if I have to tell ConTeXt about these commands anyway, wouldn't it be easier to simply write a perl script that does these conversions and translates TeX into xml?

Sorry if these are dumb questions, but these are my very first attempt at xml.

All best


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