Hi all!

I came across the following behaviour: cboxes seem to suppress white space in certain conditions.

In the following example there is no whitespace output between paragraph no. 2 und 3. Yet, if I change \setupwhitespace to 'none' or if I do not enclose the paragraphs in cboxes then the whitespaces between the paragraphs appear as expected.

Does anyone know a workaround for this 'strange' behaviour of cboxes?

Thanks for your attention,

\setupoutput[pdftex] \setupinteraction[openaction={firstpage,FitHeight},state=start] \setupwhitespace[small] \setupblank[100pt] \def\Para#1{\cbox{#1 \dorecurse{10}{this is some paragraph text}}\par} \starttext \Para{1} \blank[big] \Para{2} \blank[medium] \Para{3} \blank[small] \Para{4} \stoptext

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