Henning Hraban Ramm said this at Wed, 2 Jun 2004 20:25:39 +0200:

>Thank you - I thought one must fix SciTE, not GTK.

SciTE is pretty straightforward, once you have everything else in place.
I did have to explicitly 'make GTK2=true' though.

>Did you try SciTE installation via Fink (unstable tree)?
>Works perfectly! (But needed a whole night to compile everything...)

Does it? I've always been a bit dubious about Fink (I've used it in 10.0
and 10.1), and I think it's less and less necessary nowadays. I
particularly dislike the way it encourages full buy-in but doesn't play
well with other, non-fink ports.

 Adam T. Lindsay                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Computing Dept, Lancaster University   +44(0)1524/594.537
 Lancaster, LA1 4YR, UK             Fax:+44(0)1524/593.608

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