>> PG> currentpicture :=nullpicture;
>> PG> draw pic scaled 3 ;
>> PG> 
>> PG> clears the first picture.
>> but i only intend to draw one picture...
PG> is this a question? Did you try the code?

i did, but it has side-effects...
it will scale, but the color disappears too.


%% interface=english output=pdftex
drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled .1pt) ;
w0 := 0cm ; w1 := 1.2cm ; w2 := 2.7 cm ; w3 := 3.0cm ;
ww0 := 0.96cm ; ww1 := 1.2cm ; ww2 := 1.8cm ; ww3 := 2.4cm ;
path p ; p := (w0,w0)--(w0,ww0)--(w1,ww1)--(w3,ww2)--(w3,w0)--cycle ;
drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled .1pt withcolor .625yellow) ;
draw hlingrid(0, 5, 1, 3cm, 3cm)  ;
draw vlingrid(0, 10, 1, 3cm, 3cm)  ;
drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled 1mm withcolor black) ;
dotlabel.top ("1" , point 1 of p)  ;
dotlabel.top ("2" , point 2 of p)  ;
dotlabel.top ("3" , point 3 of p)  ;

%%%%%   enable/disable this section %%%%%%%%%%
picture pic ; pic := currentpicture ;
currentpicture := nullpicture ;
draw pic scaled 1.0 ;


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