
as Heise.de is informing (06.01.2005 10:44), Adobe offers now AR7.

"Adobe provides Acrobat Reader 7 for Linux [Update]

Adobe provides a beta version of the free Adobe Reader 7 for Linux, shortly after the release of the PDF generator Acrobat 7. Interested parties can register for the beta program at the reader-download page [1].
[...] As previously announced, in Acrobat Reader 7 a Yahoo toolbar is installed, which blocks pop ups and aids with the internet search."

[1] http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html

I've to admit that I couldn't find it there, but I was told that one can find it here:
(though I fail to open that page, maybe to many people read heise.de).


PS: A bit late happy new year wishes to all.
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