On Wed, 16 Feb 2005, Hans Hagen wrote:

> > "Without success" means: I don't get anything similar to \starttablehead or
> > \starttabletail
> > 
> > The head and the foot appear, but not on each page. I think, I just don't
> > know how to use all these commands the right way...
> split=repeat

Hello Hans,
thank you, this enables repetition of the heads. Unfortunately, the footer
does not get repeated. Here a minimal example:



\bTR \bTD top of the page \eTD \eTR

\bTR \bTD bottom of the page \eTD \eTR

\dorecurse{150}{\bTR \bTD the body \eTD \eTR}



Could you help again?
Cheers, Peter

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