ishamid said this at Tue, 22 Mar 2005 18:30:48 -0700:

>! Undefined control sequence.
>\pardir #1#2#3->\global \TeXXeTstate
>                                     \plusone \if #2L\chardef 
>l.1 \pardir TLT

Oops, I think I recognize this.
This came about when Hans and I were trying to introduce some very basic
imitations of Omega's bidi support, prompted by XeTeX's Unicode
capabilities. Unfortunately, it rests on an eTeX check--not a problem
with Omega, but with Aleph, it means we clobber the \pardir primitives!
Oops, indeed.

Sounds like supp-dir needs a no-Omega check, as well. Hans?

 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept.     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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