
I am wondering if anyone knows of a similar macro in CoNTeXt to the LaTeX \Fixme package <http://www.tug.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/entries/fixme.html>. What fixme allowed me to do that I have yet to figure out in context is make inline notes "\fxnote" or marks "\fxwarning" "\fxerror" that would then in draft mode print either margin or footnotes where the change was needed. It was very handy when, as an editor, wanting to make quick comments in proofing. Fixme also prints an index of all the fixmes.

Any ideas?


Robert Ullrey

Office of the President,
Sacramento City College Academic Senate,

Suite RN236
3835 Freeport Boulevard
Sacramento, California 95822
(916) 558-2150


Senate email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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