jjgod wrote:
Well, let's search the script from top to bottom: 1. afm2pl does NOT invoke afm2tfm, even with "-f afm2tfm" option
(you can check this in the source code of afm2pl by yourself)

You are right, sorry. So only three calls to afm2tfm in total.

Is there an afm2pl executable in miktex, btw? That would nicely
solve the problem.

2. $encstr in the first {} block does NOT affect the $encstr
in the second {} block, poor indention in this code may give
you a wrong idea.

At this point in the code, $encstr usually has a "-T ..." value
(which implies -p as well, as Patrick tried to explain before).

So, there is just one call here, without -p.

4. my $command = "afm2tfm $file $cleanname.tfm" ;
Obviously, no -p.

This is the 'panic' call I thought was #4, it is only executed when
you explicitly call texfont with the (hidden) switch --expert.

To summarize above, 3 calls to afm2tfm total, 1 call with -p

True, but the second call normally has a "-T" in it, and the third
call is only for people that believe they are "smarter than Hans".
Anyway, this is all just silly. There is a bug in afm2tfm in miktex,

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