Gavin Sinclair said this at Sat, 3 Sep 2005 15:42:36 +1000:

>Greetings (first post),

Hi Gavin,

Two things:
Are you running texfont from the directory that contains all the .otf files?

(This doesn't look like the problem here, but) Are you running the
latest ConTeXt? There was a bug in the OpenType support in TeXFont that
was fixed  in the distribution as of a couple months ago.

(sorry for the delay--I'm on the road)


>Adam Lindsay's recent article "OpenType installation basics for
>ConTeXt" in The PracTeX Journal
>( is very well written.
>Unfortunately, I was unable to perform the first step.
>As the article specified, I ran the command:
>$ texfont --ma --in --ve=public --co=torunska --lcdf --pre --va=liga,kern
>It started off OK, but failed to properly create the map file.
>Selected output follows:
>   extending map file :
>      font identifier : AntykwaTorunska-Bold -> text -> tfm
>     processing files : otf -> tfm + enc
>otftotfm: './AntykwaTorunska-Bold.otf': No such file or directory
>no mapfile from otftotfm :
>      font identifier : AntykwaTorunska-BoldItalic -> text -> tfm
>     processing files : otf -> tfm + enc
>otftotfm: './AntykwaTorunska-BoldItalic.otf': No such file or directory
>no mapfile from otftotfm :
>      [and so on for each .otf file]
>So, otftotfm is claiming that the files don't exist, but they
>absolutely 100% do.  Perhaps it's looking for them somewhere else?
>Does anyone have any suggestions?
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 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept.     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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