Dear ConTeXt Users

I am relatively new to context and I am suffering with a problem with the 
framed environment.

I want to use a framed textbox for Definitions in my script. I also want to use 
floating figures.  But this does not work and I haven’t found out why. Maybe I 
totally use it the wrong way. I would appreciate if someone could help me or 
has a tipp.

Here is an example code, where the figure does not behave as expected, i.e. the 
figure is behind the text:

\framed[corner=round, rulethickness=2pt, width=\textwidth, align=flushleft, 
{{\bf Definition: Hello World} \blank[medium] 

\placefigure[right, none]{This is an example of a logo.}{\externalfigure[dummy]}

Carrot cake tiramisu lollipop dragée lollipop marshmallow carrot cake sweet 
pastry. Tiramisu danish jelly tootsie roll tart gummi bears. Carrot cake chupa 
chups cake wafer lemon drops lemon drops tiramisu. Chocolate lemon drops sugar 
plum cheesecake jelly beans sugar plum. Tootsie roll cupcake jujubes pie 
chocolate bar bear claw chupa chups shortbread. Candy candy canes jelly-o jelly 
beans sugar plum muffin danish donut. Bonbon lemon drops powder jujubes 
marshmallow biscuit halvah. Powder carrot cake caramels chocolate cake carrot 
cake jelly-o. Topping danish tootsie roll gummi bears oat cake jujubes. Sweet 
candy canes cotton candy pie topping. Jelly-o carrot cake ice cream lemon drops 
macaroon gummies lemon drops tiramisu chocolate cake. Cupcake sugar plum 
shortbread gummi bears tootsie roll. Chocolate cake sugar plum macaroon candy 
canes chocolate bar donut cake icing tootsie roll.

Best regards
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