Hello List,

I am working on a project which combines graphics with formulas, like this:

Attachment: hposQuestion.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

My code for creating this formula is attached. It works well, but I have a 
couple of questions that could make it work better.

1) Is there a mathematics version of \hpos? The contents of \hpos are set as 
text, even when \hpos is in mathematics, so I wrote an \mpos macro that uses 
\hpos but sets the contents as display-style math. This isn’t great for 
spacing, and it does't adapt to different math styles. \framed has a math 
version, \mframed, that sets the contents in the appropriate math style. If 
anyone know a way to accomplish that with \hpos, I’d love to know.

2) Is there a way to limit the scope of the \hpos labels to a single formula. 
This could turn into a book length project, with several formulas per page and 
several connections per formula. If every \hpos in the entire book needs a 
unique identifier, I could go mad. Under no circumstances will I connect one 
formula to another, so I’d like to be able to use something like 
\hpos{A}{…}…\hpos{B}{…} in each formula. Any suggestions?

I’ve got to say, LMTX is an absolutely amazing tool for this project, which 
includes complicated networks of connections above and below many formulas. The 
integration of TeX, MetaPost, and Lua makes this project tremendous fun.


P.S. For the curious, I’m using a method for doing General Relativity based on 
spinors rather than tensors, following the methods of Penrose and Rindler in 
their 1985 books “Spinors and Space-time.” In the typesetting example above, 
the e_\alpha and e_{\dot\beta} are basis spinors (one left-handed, one 
right-handed). The e^\mu is the Infeld-van der Waerden symbol relating the spin 
basis to the coordinate basis. The connections are spinor index contractions. 
The formula above relates the components of the Infeld-van der Waerden symbol 
to the Pauli sigma matrices. This relationship only works in flat space, so 
this is an easy example! [Penrose and Rindler, vol 1 p. 125] 

Attachment: hposQuestion.tex
Description: Binary data

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