On 12/21/22 17:20, Hans Hagen via ntg-context wrote:
> [...] 
> Some other possible speedups are on-hold till I have better test cases.

Many thanks for the improvements in the new release, Hans.

I have some documents, but I should be reluctant to send longs, because
I’m almost confident that my code is poorly written (to say the least).

The attachment contains a log for a 72 page document with just text
(from XML sources [XHTML generated by pandoc from Markdown file]).

[Since attachments over 100KB aren’t allowed, only the last two runs are
included in the log file.]

With current latest from today, I get:

mkiv lua stats  > runtime: 2.167 seconds, 72 processed pages, 72 shipped
pages, 33.225 pages/second
mtx-context     | purged files: xml-context.log, xml-context.tuc
system          | total runtime: 8.779 seconds of 8.818 seconds

Exactly the same sources with previous latest (from 2022.12.15):

mkiv lua stats  > runtime: 2.410 seconds, 72 processed pages, 72 shipped
pages, 29.877 pages/second
mtx-context     | purged files: xml-context.log, xml-context.tuc
system          | total runtime: 9.310 seconds of 9.350 seconds

So, the improvement is clear in current latest.

Many thanks again for the improvement,

resolvers       | formats | executing runner 'run luametatex format': ~/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/luametatex --jobname="./xml-context.xml" --fmt=~/context/tex/texmf-cache/luametatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luametatex/cont-en.fmt --lua=~/context/tex/texmf-cache/luametatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luametatex/cont-en.lui  --c:currentrun=3 --c:environment="xml-context.tex" --c:fulljobname="./xml-context.xml" --c:input="./xml-context.xml" --c:kindofrun=2 --c:maxnofruns=9 --c:purgeall --c:texmfbinpath="~/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin"
structure       > lists > out of order sectionsblocks, maybe use \setsectionblock
structure       > lists > out of order sectionsblocks, maybe use \setsectionblock
structure       > lists > out of order sectionsblocks, maybe use \setsectionblock
structure       > lists > out of order sectionsblocks, maybe use \setsectionblock
system          > 
system          > ConTeXt  ver: 2022.12.21 17:13 LMTX  fmt: 2022.12.21  int: english/english
system          > 
system          > 'cont-new.mkxl' loaded
open source     > level 1, order 1, name '~/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-new.mkxl'
system          > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv
close source    > level 1, order 1, name '~/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-new.mkxl'
system          > 'cont-loc.mkxl' loaded
open source     > level 1, order 2, name '~/context/tex/texmf-local/cont-loc.mkxl'
close source    > level 1, order 2, name '~/context/tex/texmf-local/cont-loc.mkxl'
system          > files > jobname './xml-context', input './xml-context.xml', result './xml-context'
fonts           > latin modern fonts are not preloaded
languages       > language 'en' is active
open source     > level 1, order 3, name 'xml-context.tex'
open source     > level 2, order 4, name '~/from-pandoc-to-context/pandoc-xhtml.tex'
close source    > level 2, order 4, name '~/from-pandoc-to-context/pandoc-xhtml.tex'
colors          > 'rgb' color space is supported
colors          > 'cmyk' color space is supported
fonts           > checks > registering extra script 'auto'
fonts           > bodyfont '15pt' is defined (can better be done global)
fonts           > bodyfont '18pt' is defined (can better be done global)
close source    > level 1, order 4, name 'xml-context.tex'
system          > processing as xml: ./xml-context.xml
xml             > core > ignoring public entities 'html' as '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' from 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'
structures      > begin of sectionblock 'whatcomesfirst'
structures      > bookmark: [Portada]
structure       > sectioning > hiddentitle @ level 2 : 0.0 -> [Portada]
fonts           > bodyfont '25pt' is defined (can better be done global)
fonts           > bodyfont '30pt' is defined (can better be done global)
fonts           > bodyfont '20pt' is defined (can better be done global)
backend         > xmp > using file '~/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-pdx.xml'
pages           > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1
pages           > flushing realpage 2, userpage 2, subpage 2
structures      > bookmark: [Título]
structure       > sectioning > hiddentitle @ level 2 : 0.0 -> [Título]
pages           > flushing realpage 3, userpage 3, subpage 3
structures      > bookmark: [Derechos de autor]
structure       > sectioning > hiddentitle @ level 2 : 0.0 -> \xmlflush {main::24}
pages           > flushing realpage 4, userpage 4, subpage 4
structures      > bookmark: [Dedicatoria]
structure       > sectioning > hiddentitle @ level 2 : 0.0 -> \xmlflush {main::29}
pages           > flushing realpage 5, userpage 5, subpage 5
pages           > flushing realpage 6, userpage 6, subpage 6
structures      > bookmark: [Cita]
structure       > sectioning > hiddentitle @ level 2 : 0.0 -> \xmlflush {main::35}
pages           > flushing realpage 7, userpage 7, subpage 7
pages           > flushing realpage 8, userpage 8, subpage 8
structures      > end of sectionblock 'whatcomesfirst'
structures      > begin of sectionblock 'whatcomesfirst'
structures      > begin of sectionblock 'tocpart'
structures      > bookmark: Sumario
structure       > sectioning > title @ level 2 : 0.0 -> \headtext {content}
pages           > flushing realpage 9, userpage 9, subpage 9
structures      > end of sectionblock 'tocpart'
pages           > flushing realpage 10, userpage 10, subpage 10
structures      > end of sectionblock 'whatcomesfirst'
structures      > begin of sectionblock 'frontpart'
structures      > bookmark: Prólogo
structure       > sectioning > forewordtitle @ level 2 : 0.0 -> \xmlflush {main::41}
pages           > flushing realpage 11, userpage 11, subpage 11
4:15:  [package: underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 9--9]
pages           > flushing realpage 12, userpage 12, subpage 12
structures      > bookmark: Introducción
structure       > sectioning > part @ level 1 : 1 -> \xmlflush {main::61}
pages           > flushing realpage 13, userpage 13, subpage 13
pages           > flushing realpage 14, userpage 14, subpage 14
structures      > bookmark: Antes de comenzar
structure       > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 1.1 -> \xmlflush {main::63}
structures      > bookmark: ¿A quienes va dirigido?
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.1.1 -> \xmlflush {main::65}
structures      > bookmark: El punto de partida
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.1.2 -> \xmlflush {main::73}
pages           > flushing realpage 15, userpage 15, subpage 15
structures      > bookmark: ¿Qué es lo que hay?
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.1.3 -> \xmlflush {main::79}
pages           > flushing realpage 16, userpage 16, subpage 16
pages           > flushing realpage 17, userpage 17, subpage 17
pages           > flushing realpage 18, userpage 18, subpage 18
structures      > bookmark: Sólo una introducción
structure       > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 1.2 -> \xmlflush {main::120}
structures      > bookmark: El origen
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.2.1 -> \xmlflush {main::127}
pages           > flushing realpage 19, userpage 19, subpage 19
structures      > bookmark: El camino de los ejemplos
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.2.2 -> \xmlflush {main::159}
pages           > flushing realpage 20, userpage 20, subpage 20
pages           > flushing realpage 21, userpage 21, subpage 21
structures      > bookmark: Sobre este libro
structure       > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 1.3 -> \xmlflush {main::171}
structures      > bookmark: Estructura del texto
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.3.1 -> \xmlflush {main::173}
structures      > bookmark: Convenciones tipográficas
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.3.2 -> \xmlflush {main::192}
pages           > flushing realpage 22, userpage 22, subpage 22
structures      > bookmark: Agradecimientos
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.3.3 -> \xmlflush {main::218}
pages           > flushing realpage 23, userpage 23, subpage 23
pages           > flushing realpage 24, userpage 24, subpage 24
structures      > bookmark: Sobre la licencia de uso
structure       > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 1.4 -> \xmlflush {main::228}
structures      > bookmark: Uso no comercial
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.4.1 -> \xmlflush {main::237}
structures      > bookmark: Sin obra derivada
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.4.2 -> \xmlflush {main::249}
pages           > flushing realpage 25, userpage 25, subpage 25
structures      > bookmark: Sólo descarga
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.4.3 -> \xmlflush {main::254}
pages           > flushing realpage 26, userpage 26, subpage 26
structures      > bookmark: Un pacto de nobleza
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.4.4 -> \xmlflush {main::260}
structures      > bookmark: Comentarios
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.4.5 -> \xmlflush {main::278}
structures      > end of sectionblock 'frontpart'
pages           > flushing realpage 27, userpage 27, subpage 27
pages           > flushing realpage 28, userpage 28, subpage 28
structures      > begin of sectionblock 'bodypart'
structures      > bookmark: Conceptos previos
structure       > sectioning > part @ level 1 : 1 -> \xmlflush {main::286}
pages           > flushing realpage 29, userpage 29, subpage 29
pages           > flushing realpage 30, userpage 30, subpage 30
structures      > bookmark: Un archivo XML
structure       > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 1.1 -> \xmlflush {main::288}
structures      > bookmark: Código XML básico
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.1.1 -> \xmlflush {main::290}
8:20:  [package: underfull \hbox (badness 1168) in paragraph at lines 8--8]
structures      > bookmark: Entorno ConTeXt
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.1.2 -> \xmlflush {main::365}
pages           > flushing realpage 31, userpage 31, subpage 31
8:20:  [package: underfull \hbox (badness 1168) in paragraph at lines 8--8]
structures      > bookmark: Partes
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.1.3 -> \xmlflush {main::465}
pages           > flushing realpage 32, userpage 32, subpage 32
structures      > bookmark: Estructura básica
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.1.4 -> \xmlflush {main::477}
pages           > flushing realpage 33, userpage 33, subpage 33
structures      > bookmark: Selección
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.1.5 -> \xmlflush {main::500}
8:20:  [package: underfull \hbox (badness 1168) in paragraph at lines 8--8]
pages           > flushing realpage 34, userpage 34, subpage 34
structures      > bookmark: Registro
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.1.6 -> \xmlflush {main::576}
pages           > flushing realpage 35, userpage 35, subpage 35
structures      > bookmark: Configuración
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.1.7 -> \xmlflush {main::588}
structures      > bookmark: Elementos relevantes
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.1.8 -> \xmlflush {main::618}
pages           > flushing realpage 36, userpage 36, subpage 36
pages           > flushing realpage 37, userpage 37, subpage 37
structures      > bookmark: Nodos y rutas
structure       > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 1.2 -> \xmlflush {main::645}
structures      > bookmark: Nodo
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.2.1 -> \xmlflush {main::648}
structures      > bookmark: Ruta
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.2.2 -> \xmlflush {main::656}
pages           > flushing realpage 38, userpage 38, subpage 38
pages           > flushing realpage 39, userpage 39, subpage 39
pages           > flushing realpage 40, userpage 40, subpage 40
structures      > bookmark: Manejar XML
structure       > sectioning > part @ level 1 : 2 -> \xmlflush {main::687}
pages           > flushing realpage 41, userpage 41, subpage 41
pages           > flushing realpage 42, userpage 42, subpage 42
structures      > bookmark: Operaciones básicas
structure       > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 2.3 -> \xmlflush {main::689}
structures      > bookmark: Sin distinción, nada vale
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 2.3.1 -> \xmlflush {main::691}
structures      > bookmark: Texto y formato
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 2.3.2 -> \xmlflush {main::714}
pages           > flushing realpage 43, userpage 43, subpage 43
structures      > bookmark: Filtrado
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 2.3.3 -> \xmlflush {main::727}
structures      > bookmark: Formato
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 2.3.4 -> \xmlflush {main::729}
pages           > flushing realpage 44, userpage 44, subpage 44
structures      > bookmark: Selección
structure       > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 2.4 -> \xmlflush {main::731}
pages           > flushing realpage 45, userpage 45, subpage 45
structures      > bookmark: Formato
structure       > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 2.5 -> \xmlflush {main::734}
structures      > end of sectionblock 'bodypart'
pages           > flushing realpage 46, userpage 46, subpage 46
structures      > begin of sectionblock 'backpart'
structures      > bookmark: Conclusiones
structure       > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 0.1 -> \xmlflush {main::737}
structures      > end of sectionblock 'backpart'
pages           > flushing realpage 47, userpage 47, subpage 47
pages           > flushing realpage 48, userpage 48, subpage 48
structures      > begin of sectionblock 'appendix'
structures      > bookmark: Apéndices
structure       > sectioning > part @ level 1 : 1 -> \xmlflush {main::739}
pages           > flushing realpage 49, userpage 49, subpage 49
pages           > flushing realpage 50, userpage 50, subpage 50
structures      > bookmark: Uso básico de ConTeXt
structure       > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 1.1 -> \xmlflush {main::741}
structures      > bookmark: Instalación
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.1.1 -> \xmlflush {main::744}
structures      > bookmark: Entornos
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.1.2 -> \xmlflush {main::753}
structures      > bookmark: Compilación
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.1.3 -> \xmlflush {main::762}
pages           > flushing realpage 51, userpage 51, subpage 51
structures      > bookmark: Un único documento
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.1.4 -> \xmlflush {main::775}
8:18:  [package: underfull \hbox (badness 1168) in paragraph at lines 8--8]
pages           > flushing realpage 52, userpage 52, subpage 52
pages           > flushing realpage 53, userpage 53, subpage 53
pages           > flushing realpage 54, userpage 54, subpage 54
structures      > bookmark: Unicode
structure       > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 1.2 -> \xmlflush {main::920}
structures      > bookmark: Un poco de historia
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.2.1 -> \xmlflush {main::927}
pages           > flushing realpage 55, userpage 55, subpage 55
structures      > bookmark: Diferentes necesidades
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.2.2 -> \xmlflush {main::958}
pages           > flushing realpage 56, userpage 56, subpage 56
structures      > bookmark: El nuevo estándar
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.2.3 -> \xmlflush {main::981}
pages           > flushing realpage 57, userpage 57, subpage 57
structures      > bookmark: El arte del fallo en TeX
structure       > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 1.3 -> \xmlflush {main::989}
structures      > bookmark: Humano, demasiado humano
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.3.1 -> \xmlflush {main::992}
pages           > flushing realpage 58, userpage 58, subpage 58
structures      > bookmark: Cuestión de perspectiva
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.3.2 -> \xmlflush {main::1006}
structures      > bookmark: Un buen ejemplo
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.3.3 -> \xmlflush {main::1014}
structures      > bookmark: Observar y borrar
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.3.4 -> \xmlflush {main::1016}
structures      > bookmark: Código mínimo
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.3.5 -> \xmlflush {main::1018}
pages           > flushing realpage 59, userpage 59, subpage 59
structures      > bookmark: Espera ayuda
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.3.6 -> \xmlflush {main::1022}
pages           > flushing realpage 60, userpage 60, subpage 60
structures      > bookmark: Aprendizaje por la experiencia
structure       > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 1.4 -> \xmlflush {main::1026}
structures      > bookmark: Perspectiva limitada
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.4.1 -> \xmlflush {main::1032}
structures      > bookmark: Sólo un ejemplo
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.4.2 -> \xmlflush {main::1038}
pages           > flushing realpage 61, userpage 61, subpage 61
structures      > bookmark: Uno para todos
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.4.3 -> \xmlflush {main::1049}
structures      > bookmark: Abstracción
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.4.4 -> \xmlflush {main::1051}
structures      > bookmark: Rutas
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.4.5 -> \xmlflush {main::1053}
structures      > end of sectionblock 'appendix'
pages           > flushing realpage 62, userpage 62, subpage 62
structures      > begin of sectionblock 'whatcomeslast'
structures      > bookmark: Notas
structure       > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 0.0 -> Notas
pages           > flushing realpage 63, userpage 63, subpage 63
pages           > flushing realpage 64, userpage 64, subpage 64
pages           > flushing realpage 65, userpage 65, subpage 65
pages           > flushing realpage 66, userpage 66, subpage 66
pages           > flushing realpage 67, userpage 67, subpage 67
pages           > flushing realpage 68, userpage 68, subpage 68
structures      > bookmark: [Colofón]
structure       > sectioning > hiddentitle @ level 2 : 0.0 -> \xmlflush {main::1056}
pages           > flushing realpage 69, userpage 69, subpage 69
pages           > flushing realpage 70, userpage 70, subpage 70
pages           > flushing realpage 71, userpage 71, subpage 71
structures      > bookmark: [Contracubierta]
structure       > sectioning > hiddentitle @ level 2 : 0.0 -> \xmlflush {main::1070}
pages           > flushing realpage 72, userpage 72, subpage 72
structures      > end of sectionblock 'whatcomeslast'
backend         > bookmarks > confusing level change at level 2 around 'Prólogo'
backend         > bookmarks > confusing level change at level 2 around 'Conceptos previos'
backend         > bookmarks > confusing level change at level 3 around 'Conclusiones'
backend         > bookmarks > confusing level change at level 2 around 'Apéndices'
backend         > bookmarks > confusing level change at level 3 around 'Notas'
mkiv lua stats  > scheme handling time: 0.003 seconds, 1 processed, threshold 86400 seconds, loaded: http:1, reused: http:1
mkiv lua stats  > used config file: selfautoparent:/texmf/web2c/texmfcnf.lua
mkiv lua stats  > used cache path: ~/context/tex/texmf-cache/luametatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e
mkiv lua stats  > resource resolver: loadtime 0.005 seconds, 1 scans with scantime 0.000 seconds, 0 shared scans, 29 found files, scanned paths: ~/texmf
mkiv lua stats  > stored bytecode data: 507 modules (0.177 sec), 106 tables (0.010 sec), 613 chunks (0.187 sec)
mkiv lua stats  > traced context: maxstack: 1658, freed: 1, unreachable: 1657
mkiv lua stats  > cleaned up reserved nodes: 84 nodes, 7 lists of 434
mkiv lua stats  > node memory usage: 37 attribute, 4 dir, 46 fontspec, 8 glue, 121 gluespec, 3 kern, 647 mathspec, 8 penalty, 2 temp
mkiv lua stats  > node list callback tasks: 13 unique task lists, 18 instances (re)created, 9335 calls
mkiv lua stats  > h-node processing time: 0.211 seconds including kernel
mkiv lua stats  > attribute processing time: 0.014 seconds front- and backend
mkiv lua stats  > driver time: 0.185 seconds 
mkiv lua stats  > used backend: pdf
mkiv lua stats  > jobdata time: 0.011 seconds saving, 0.003 seconds loading
mkiv lua stats  > callbacks: file: 2632, saved: 17724, direct: 148, function: 18648, value: 86, message: 0, bytecode: 613, late 0, total: 39851 (553 per page)
mkiv lua stats  > randomizer: resumed with value 0.96080909448678
mkiv lua stats  > v-node processing time: 0.018 seconds 
mkiv lua stats  > loaded patterns: agr:gr:62 de::3 en::1 es::64 la::67, load time: 0.000
mkiv lua stats  > hyphenation: 5575 words hyphenated, 1995 unique, used time 0.217 seconds 
mkiv lua stats  > xml load time: 0.022 seconds, 1 files, 1 converted
mkiv lua stats  > lxml preparation time: 0.063 seconds, 1383 nodes, 659 lpath calls, 506 cached calls
mkiv lua stats  > interactive elements: 240 references, 143 destinations
mkiv lua stats  > margin data: 6 entries, 0 pending
mkiv lua stats  > loaded fonts: 12 files: cousine-bold.ttf, cousine-regular.ttf, gfsheraklit.otf, p052-bold.otf, p052-italic.otf, p052-roman.otf, urwclassico-regular.otf, texgyrepagella-bold.otf, texgyrepagella-italic.otf, texgyrepagella-math.otf, texgyrepagella-regular.otf, dejavusans.ttf
mkiv lua stats  > font engine: otf 3.131, afm 1.513, tfm 1.000, 24 instances, 11 shared in backend, 5 common vectors, 6 common hashes, load time 0.184 seconds 
mkiv lua stats  > body font sizes: defined: 10pt 11pt 12pt 14.4pt 17.3pt 20.7pt 4pt 5pt 6pt 7pt 8pt 9pt, undefined: 15pt 18pt 20pt 25pt 30pt
mkiv lua stats  > math tweaking time: 0.007 seconds, 2 math goodie tables
mkiv lua stats  > pdf annotations: 240 links (240 unique), 6 special
mkiv lua stats  > font embedding time: 0.010 seconds, 7 fonts
mkiv lua stats  > result saved in file: xml-context.pdf, compresslevel 1, objectcompresslevel 3
mkiv lua stats  > positions: 428 collected, 307 deltas, 422 shared partials, 30 partial entries
mkiv lua stats  > used platform: linux-64, type: unix, binary subtree: texmf-linux-64
mkiv lua stats  > used engine: luametatex version: 2.1004, functionality level: 20221216, format id: 680, compiler: gcc
mkiv lua stats  > tex properties: 740852 hash slots used of 2097152, 54566 control sequences, approximate memory usage: 39 MB
mkiv lua stats  > lua properties: engine: lua 5.4, used memory: 109 MB, ctx: 104 MB, max: 104 MB, symbol mask: utf (τεχ)
mkiv lua stats  > runtime: 2.114 seconds, 72 processed pages, 72 shipped pages, 34.062 pages/second

resolvers       | formats | executing runner 'run luametatex format': ~/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/luametatex --jobname="./xml-context.xml" --fmt=~/context/tex/texmf-cache/luametatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luametatex/cont-en.fmt --lua=~/context/tex/texmf-cache/luametatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luametatex/cont-en.lui  --c:currentrun=4 --c:environment="xml-context.tex" --c:fulljobname="./xml-context.xml" --c:input="./xml-context.xml" --c:kindofrun=2 --c:maxnofruns=9 --c:purgeall --c:texmfbinpath="~/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin"
structure       > lists > out of order sectionsblocks, maybe use \setsectionblock
structure       > lists > out of order sectionsblocks, maybe use \setsectionblock
structure       > lists > out of order sectionsblocks, maybe use \setsectionblock
structure       > lists > out of order sectionsblocks, maybe use \setsectionblock
system          > 
system          > ConTeXt  ver: 2022.12.21 17:13 LMTX  fmt: 2022.12.21  int: english/english
system          > 
system          > 'cont-new.mkxl' loaded
open source     > level 1, order 1, name '~/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-new.mkxl'
system          > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv
close source    > level 1, order 1, name '~/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-new.mkxl'
system          > 'cont-loc.mkxl' loaded
open source     > level 1, order 2, name '~/context/tex/texmf-local/cont-loc.mkxl'
close source    > level 1, order 2, name '~/context/tex/texmf-local/cont-loc.mkxl'
system          > files > jobname './xml-context', input './xml-context.xml', result './xml-context'
fonts           > latin modern fonts are not preloaded
languages       > language 'en' is active
open source     > level 1, order 3, name 'xml-context.tex'
open source     > level 2, order 4, name '~/from-pandoc-to-context/pandoc-xhtml.tex'
close source    > level 2, order 4, name '~/from-pandoc-to-context/pandoc-xhtml.tex'
colors          > 'rgb' color space is supported
colors          > 'cmyk' color space is supported
fonts           > checks > registering extra script 'auto'
fonts           > bodyfont '15pt' is defined (can better be done global)
fonts           > bodyfont '18pt' is defined (can better be done global)
close source    > level 1, order 4, name 'xml-context.tex'
system          > processing as xml: ./xml-context.xml
xml             > core > ignoring public entities 'html' as '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' from 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'
structures      > begin of sectionblock 'whatcomesfirst'
structures      > bookmark: [Portada]
structure       > sectioning > hiddentitle @ level 2 : 0.0 -> [Portada]
fonts           > bodyfont '25pt' is defined (can better be done global)
fonts           > bodyfont '30pt' is defined (can better be done global)
fonts           > bodyfont '20pt' is defined (can better be done global)
backend         > xmp > using file '~/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-pdx.xml'
pages           > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1
pages           > flushing realpage 2, userpage 2, subpage 2
structures      > bookmark: [Título]
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structures      > bookmark: [Derechos de autor]
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pages           > flushing realpage 6, userpage 6, subpage 6
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structures      > begin of sectionblock 'whatcomesfirst'
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structures      > end of sectionblock 'tocpart'
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structures      > begin of sectionblock 'frontpart'
structures      > bookmark: Prólogo
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4:15:  [package: underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 9--9]
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structures      > bookmark: Introducción
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pages           > flushing realpage 14, userpage 14, subpage 14
structures      > bookmark: Antes de comenzar
structure       > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 1.1 -> \xmlflush {main::63}
structures      > bookmark: ¿A quienes va dirigido?
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.1.1 -> \xmlflush {main::65}
structures      > bookmark: El punto de partida
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.1.2 -> \xmlflush {main::73}
pages           > flushing realpage 15, userpage 15, subpage 15
structures      > bookmark: ¿Qué es lo que hay?
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.1.3 -> \xmlflush {main::79}
pages           > flushing realpage 16, userpage 16, subpage 16
pages           > flushing realpage 17, userpage 17, subpage 17
pages           > flushing realpage 18, userpage 18, subpage 18
structures      > bookmark: Sólo una introducción
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structures      > bookmark: El origen
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.2.1 -> \xmlflush {main::127}
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structures      > bookmark: El camino de los ejemplos
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pages           > flushing realpage 21, userpage 21, subpage 21
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8:20:  [package: underfull \hbox (badness 1168) in paragraph at lines 8--8]
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8:20:  [package: underfull \hbox (badness 1168) in paragraph at lines 8--8]
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8:20:  [package: underfull \hbox (badness 1168) in paragraph at lines 8--8]
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structures      > bookmark: Entornos
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.1.2 -> \xmlflush {main::753}
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8:18:  [package: underfull \hbox (badness 1168) in paragraph at lines 8--8]
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pages           > flushing realpage 53, userpage 53, subpage 53
pages           > flushing realpage 54, userpage 54, subpage 54
structures      > bookmark: Unicode
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structures      > bookmark: Un poco de historia
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.2.1 -> \xmlflush {main::927}
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structures      > bookmark: El nuevo estándar
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structures      > bookmark: El arte del fallo en TeX
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structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.3.1 -> \xmlflush {main::992}
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structures      > bookmark: Un buen ejemplo
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structures      > bookmark: Observar y borrar
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.3.4 -> \xmlflush {main::1016}
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pages           > flushing realpage 60, userpage 60, subpage 60
structures      > bookmark: Aprendizaje por la experiencia
structure       > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 1.4 -> \xmlflush {main::1026}
structures      > bookmark: Perspectiva limitada
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.4.1 -> \xmlflush {main::1032}
structures      > bookmark: Sólo un ejemplo
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.4.2 -> \xmlflush {main::1038}
pages           > flushing realpage 61, userpage 61, subpage 61
structures      > bookmark: Uno para todos
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.4.3 -> \xmlflush {main::1049}
structures      > bookmark: Abstracción
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.4.4 -> \xmlflush {main::1051}
structures      > bookmark: Rutas
structure       > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 1.4.5 -> \xmlflush {main::1053}
structures      > end of sectionblock 'appendix'
pages           > flushing realpage 62, userpage 62, subpage 62
structures      > begin of sectionblock 'whatcomeslast'
structures      > bookmark: Notas
structure       > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 0.0 -> Notas
pages           > flushing realpage 63, userpage 63, subpage 63
pages           > flushing realpage 64, userpage 64, subpage 64
pages           > flushing realpage 65, userpage 65, subpage 65
pages           > flushing realpage 66, userpage 66, subpage 66
pages           > flushing realpage 67, userpage 67, subpage 67
pages           > flushing realpage 68, userpage 68, subpage 68
structures      > bookmark: [Colofón]
structure       > sectioning > hiddentitle @ level 2 : 0.0 -> \xmlflush {main::1056}
pages           > flushing realpage 69, userpage 69, subpage 69
pages           > flushing realpage 70, userpage 70, subpage 70
pages           > flushing realpage 71, userpage 71, subpage 71
structures      > bookmark: [Contracubierta]
structure       > sectioning > hiddentitle @ level 2 : 0.0 -> \xmlflush {main::1070}
pages           > flushing realpage 72, userpage 72, subpage 72
structures      > end of sectionblock 'whatcomeslast'
backend         > bookmarks > confusing level change at level 2 around 'Prólogo'
backend         > bookmarks > confusing level change at level 2 around 'Conceptos previos'
backend         > bookmarks > confusing level change at level 3 around 'Conclusiones'
backend         > bookmarks > confusing level change at level 2 around 'Apéndices'
backend         > bookmarks > confusing level change at level 3 around 'Notas'
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