
I came across a problem when I was trying to compile my tex file.
The attached file is an example.

I have to process Chinese, so "\loadmapfile[gbk]" and
"\usemodule[chinese]" are essential.

I'm using the lastest release of ConTeXt.
ConText ver:2005.12.01, texExec 5.4.3, to be exact.
And I use "texmfstart texexec.pl --autopdf --pdf test2.tex" to compile
 my source file.

The problem is there is enough space in page 2 for the words between
\startbackground and \stopbackground, but the background block was put
 on page 3 with most of the page 2 was left blank.

And there is another small problem, the command \setupindenting[medium]
didn't work.

Thanks a lot.


%interface=en output=pdftex 

\input knuth

\input knuth


word word word word word word word word word word word word.
 \item word, word word word word word word word word word word 
       word word word word word word word word.
 \item word, word word word word word word word word word
       word word word word word word word word-word word 
       word word word word word word word word word word.

Water along with small polar molecules and lipophilic drugs are konwn to corss
the barrier. Larger polar molecules and hydrophilic(?hydrophyllic) organic 
molecules, including plasma preoteins(Ѫ½¬µ°°×), do not penetrate well.

word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word 
word word word word word word word word
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