Tobias Burnus wrote:


Adam Lindsay wrote:

Is there less kerning among CJK fonts? I would expect so.

Classically any Chinese character has exactly the same width, which is the same as the height (square). Nowadays some are taller than wide. I'm quite certain that there is hardly any Chinese font with kerning as this would break the grid.

Thinking aloud, you'd probably want to include some language-switching commands, to mediate between the calling of unicode fonts for un-named CJK glyphs (just raw conversion from Unicode to font switch + glyph number) to named roman (and other alphabetic) glyphs (conversion from UTF-8 to named glyphs to font+glyph, which retains kerning where it can).

Well, I think one uses most of the time different fonts for Chinese and non-CJK texts as many Chinese fonts don't include that many roman letters (at least the ones quoted at miss the ß and ä).

if there is a utf-8 mapping for chinese, then th eother chars can come from the main text font

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