Richard Gabriel wrote:

> Hmm, I'd rather use "Anhang".
OK. I suppose you're a native German, I'm not...

> Besides: So far I used simply "1 Title of my first chapter" and "A My first appendix" rather than "Chapter 1 Title of my first chapter". Hmm, it's a question... I use exactly the variant with chapter title in two lines as you mention in the parenthesis. Sorry if I did something wrong. It really wasn't my intention to make problems to other users... :-(

> Next question: Why are you changing the � into a + ?
It's NOT my work. :-(
I didn't change any other things than headtexts/labeltexts!

maybe th eeditor is messing up (can happen with cut and paste), it's an 8 bit char; anyhow, this is what checking is for -)

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