On Tue, 31 Jan 2006, Hans Hagen wrote:

> Hooman Javidnia wrote:
> > texexec is known, I know this because I can run it from command
> > line. texmfstart is located in
> > E:\TeXLive2005\texmf-dist\scripts\context\ruby but I am not sure if it is
> > known to the system or not. How can I test this? Should I tweak any file
> > or add to to PATH variable?
> >   
> is ruby itself installed? 

Yes, Ruby is installed. Typing ruby --version  at command  line returuns 
ruby 1.8.2 (2004-12-25) [i386-mswin32]
Also Perl is installed. Actually Perl is installed as part of
TeXLive2005. I also installed Lua 5.0 and added the directory to the PATH. 


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