Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> On 2/1/06, Peter M�nster wrote:
>> Hello Taco,
>> in the collector item 80, I was perhaps not clear enough. In fact, I'm just
>> looking for the ConTeXt-way to do the same as the following in LaTeX:
>> \documentclass{article}
>> \usepackage[pdfstartview=FitBH,pdfpagemode=FullScreen]{hyperref}
>> \begin{document}
>> \tableofcontents
>> \newpage
>> \section{bla}
>> \end{document}
>> That is:
>> - when starting acroread, the view is "minwidth"
>> - and the mode is "FullScreen"
>> - and when clicking on a reference, the zoom-level does *not* change
>> Since this is possible with LaTeX, I believe that it should be also
>> possible with ConTeXt, for example like this:
>> \setupoutput[pdf]
>> \setupinteraction[state=start,startfocus=minwidth]
>> \setupinteractionscreen[option=max]
>> \starttext
>> \completecontent
>> \page
>> \section{bla}
>> \stoptext
> I vote for this as well (for enchanced possibilities of opening PDF
> documents: FitWidth, FitHeight, whole page, XX % of actual size). This
> might not be the same as request above, but a very similar one.
hey, since when don't you read the source any more ...



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