Aditya Mahajan wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Apr 2006, Hans Hagen wrote:
>> Hans Hagen wrote:
>>> Aditya Mahajan wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>>   When I use \placefigure[left] with some test, the text wraps around
>>>> the figure. But if the paragraph, contains some formula, it does not
>>>> wrap even after the figure is complete. How can I prevent such a
>>>> behaviour.
>> btw, can you make three (or more) examples: (yes|nocheck|text) with 
>> left/bottom/fallback placement for the testsuits (see other threads)
first of all, take the beta in order to get renumbering right

the next variant let's fallbacks step in earlier


   \flushsidefloats % here !
     % this was \checkwaitingfloats spread all over
     % but which should be done before using box \floatbox
   \ifmargeblokken % waarschijnlijk gebroken ! ! ! !
   \begingroup % **
   \dowithnextboxcontent % better a \the\everyfloattoks
      \postponenotes} % new
       \xdocompletefloat{#1}{#3}{#1}{#2}{#1}{#4}% ** not yet done
       % we need to carry over the par because of side floats
      \global\sidefloatdownshift \zeropoint
      \fi}% better move this to side floats

> I tried playing around with the fallback option, but had unexpected 
> results. When I give fallback=left (does that make sense?) I get text 
> in the right margin!! See example below.
> % first a new key
> \unprotect
> \startconstants            dutch                     english
>                             german                    czech
>                             italian                   romanian
>                             french
>                   fallback: terugval                  fallback
>                             fallback                  fallback
>                             fallback                  fallback
>                             fallback
> \stopconstants
> % use that key
> \long\def\dofloat#1#2#3#4%
>    {\dosetfloatbox{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}%
>     \doifelsevaluenothing{\??fl#4\c!criterium}
>       {\dogetfloatbox{#1}\empty}
>       {\ifdim\wd\floatbox>\getvalue{\??fl#4\c!criterium}\relax
>          \postcenterfloatbox{\wd\floatbox}% else we get left aligned
>          %dogetfloatbox{#1}\v!here        % see details/pascal
> \dogetfloatbox{#1}{\executeifdefined{\??fl#4\c!fallback}\v!here}% 
>        \else
>          \dogetfloatbox{#1}\empty
>        \fi}}
> % pass the new location (will be done differently, hack
> \def\dogetfloatbox#1#2%
>    {\ifvisible
>       \doifelsenothing{#2}
>         {\getfromcommalist[#1][1]%
>          [EMAIL PROTECTED]:\to\floatmethod
>          [EMAIL PROTECTED] \commalistelement\at:\to\floatcolumn
>          [EMAIL PROTECTED] \floatcolumn\at*\to\floatrow
>          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>          % todo: nog algemeen otr
>          \ifx\OTRSETsetpreferedcolumnslot\undefined\else
>            \OTRSETsetpreferedcolumnslot\floatcolumn\floatrow
>          \fi}
>         {\let\floatcolumn\empty
>          \let\floatrow\empty
>          \edef\floatmethod{#2}}%
>       \doifundefined{\string\floatmethod\floatmethod}
>         {\let\floatmethod\v!here}%
>       \getvalue{\string\floatmethod\floatmethod}[\floatmethod,#1]% 
>     \fi}
>   \def\redofloatorder#1%
>     {\doifnotinset\@@bknumbering{\v!nocheck,\v!text}
>        {\doglobal\increment\nofplacedfloats\relax
>         \gettwopassdata\s!float
>         \iftwopassdatafound
>           \doifnot\composedsectionnumber\twopassdata
>             {\edef\oldcomposedsectionnumber{\composedsectionnumber}%
>              \xdef\composedsectionnumber{\twopassdata}%
>              \showmessage\m!floatblocks1{\nofplacedfloats,#1
>   \oldcomposedsectionnumber,\composedsectionnumber}}%
>         \fi}}
> \protect
> \setupfloats[numbering=text]
>   % we use the marginwidth as criterium
> \setupfloat[figure][criterium=\marginwidth,fallback=left]
>   \starttext
>   \placefigure[bottom]{1}{\framed[width=.9\marginwidth]{}} \input tufte
>   \placefigure[bottom]{2}{} \input tufte
>   \placefigure[left]{3}{} \input tufte
>   \placefigure[left]{4}{\framed[width=.9\marginwidth]{}} \input tufte
>   \stoptext
> Aditya


                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
              Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
     tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

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