On Fri, 16 Mar 2007 15:29:30 +0100
"Bernhard Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wolfgang, thank you for your answer!
> However I suppose that it doesn't completely solve my problem. I think this 
> solution makes a table with two huge cells. I couldn't make horizontal lines 
> after every line and table splitting doesn't seem to work either (I have a 
> lot of requirements).
> Is there an other way to solve my problem with tables? I'd really like to 
> automate the process because copy and paste the text is very error prone.
> I looked at paragraphs as well but I didn't succeed. I thought inserting the 
> necessary commands in the 'begin' and 'after' property of the textblock would 
> 'generate' me correct ConTeXt code.
> There is an other problem: The command \resetRequirement doesn't work. I need 
> to reset the counter because the numbering must be the same like in the 
> chapters before. I tried the code at live.contextgarden.net.
> Tanks for your help!
> Michael

Hi Michael,

another way to place the summary at the end of your document.


I saw also the problem with the reset of the enumeration in my file but
I don't know where the problem is.


> Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
> > On Fri, 16 Mar 2007 09:41:50 +0100
> > "Bernhard Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >> Hi list
> >>
> >> After writing some documents in LaTeX I discovered ConTeX. It's a great 
> >> macro package for TeX. It gives me the flexibility I missed with LaTeX.
> >>
> >> However it isn't that easy to start with :-) Especially when some advanced 
> >> functionality is needed...
> >>
> >> I write a document where I have to describe requirements. I want to give 
> >> these requirements a running number over all chapters and I also need to 
> >> prioritise them.
> >>
> >> My idea is to describe the requirements in several chapter. At the end I 
> >> want to list all the requirements together with their priority.
> >>
> >> I tried the following code but unfortunately it didn't work:
> >>
> >> \defineenumeration[Requirement][location=left,text=Req,width=broad,after={\blank[small]}]
> >> \defineblock[Requirement,Priority]
> >> \setupblock[Requirement][after=]
> >> \hideblocks[Priority]
> >>
> >> \starttext
> >>
> >> \chapter{Description of requirements}
> >>
> >> \beginRequirement
> >> \Requirement A requirement \par
> >> \endRequirement
> >> \beginPriority
> >> A
> >> \endPriority
> >> Description of the requirement.
> >>
> >> \beginRequirement
> >> \Requirement An other requirement \par
> >> \endRequirement
> >> \beginPriority
> >> C
> >> \endPriority
> >> Description of the requirement.
> >>
> >> \chapter{Additional requirements}
> >>
> >> \beginRequirement
> >> \Requirement An additional requirement \par
> >> \endRequirement
> >> \beginPriority
> >> B
> >> \endPriority
> >> Description of the requirement.
> >>
> >> \beginRequirement
> >> \subRequirement A sub requirement \par
> >> \endRequirement
> >> \beginPriority
> >> C
> >> \endPriority
> >> Description of the requirement.
> >>
> >> \chapter{Summary of requirements}
> >> % Here I would like to list all requirements with their priorities in a 
> >> table
> >> % I tried something like this but it didn't work
> >> \reset[Requirement]
> >> \setupblock[Requirement][before=\HL\VL,after=]
> >> \setupblock[Priority][before=\VL,after=\VL\MR
> >> \starttable[|l|c|]
> >> \useblocks[Requirement,Priority]
> >> \stoptable
> >>
> >> \stoptext
> >>
> >> Is it possible to use text blocks within tables or does an other way 
> >> exists to do the same thing? It doesn’t have to be a table necessarily. I 
> >> need some sort of compact listing.
> >>
> >> Thanks in advance for your help!
> >>
> >> Michael
> >>
> > 
> > Hi Michael,
> > 
> > using natural tables instead of the normal table environment works.
> > 
> > \bTABLE
> >   \bTR
> >     \bTD\useblocks[Requirement]\eTD
> >     \bTD\useblocks[Priority]\eTD
> >   \eTR
> > \eTABLE
> > 
> > Wolfgang
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