Am Tue, 08 Feb 2011 17:07:39 +0100 schrieb Hans Hagen:

>>>> Does some interface exists in contex/mkiv which allows to use such
>>>> virtual fonts together with the normal font loading code? E.g. could
>>>> I move the code for the font to some file ("cmr10-red.vflua") so
>>>> that a request \font\mytest="cmr10-red" will simply find this file
>>>> and use the code like vf, tfm or otf-files are found and used when
>>>> needed?

>>> It's relatively easy to add support for that. However, when I've
>>> done that Khaled has to make sure that it also works in his wrapper
>>> code as I don't know to what extend he overloads code. I can only
>>> test in the plain variant and context.

> You only need to load one extra file:
>      loadmodule('font-lua.lua')
> Then, if
>    \font\mine=file:luatex-fonts-demo-vf-1.lua at 12pt

What are the search pathes for such virtual lua fonts? I suggested
the file extension ".vflua" because I thought it would be senseful
if not the search path for general .lua files is used. I wanted to
put this virtual fonts in a dedicated location e.g. fonts/vflua/....

Ulrike Fischer 

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