Am 18.07.2012 um 02:41 schrieb Pavneet Arora:

> Hello all,
> I am here at TUG 2012 updating the presentation that I am to give in the 
> morning.
> I have had a couple of lingering questions regarding simpleslides that I
> thought I would put out there.  They are not show stoppers, and I have
> lived with them in my other presentations.  It is just that with my
> brain on TeX (and ConTeXt) for the past few days, I thought that I would
> try to resolve them once and for all.
> 1.  Fonts
> I would like to specify separate mainfont and bodyfont using the
> simplefonts module (or some other consistent mechanism).
> I have read the thread from:
> and have tried to split up Wolfgang's suggestion into the two parts.  I
> have tried:
> \usemodule[simplefonts][size=18pt]
> \setmainfont[grandesignneueserif]
> \setupbodyfont[dejavuserif]
> which gets me the title font, but not the body font.
> The other approach:
> \definetypeface[mainface][rm][serif][DejaVu Serif][default]
> \definetypeface[mainface][ss][sans][DejaVu Sans][default]
> \definetypeface[mainface][tt][mono][Inconsolata][default]
> \setupbodyfont[mainface]
> also doesn't seem to work at all.  I get what I believe to be Latin
> Modern Sans across the board.
> I have resorted to using one of the default fonts via the module switch
> for now, but would like to customize the font selection to my taste.

I suggest to look into the manual for the simple slides module how to change 
because the module has some control which font is used.

> 2.  Margins
> I have the following slide, where only the right margin is affected.  I
> have tried variations on backspace, width and margin but haven't gotten
> the left margin to move.
> \definelayout[quotation][leftmargin=1.5in,rightmargin=1.5in]
> \SlideTitle{An exception: Lotus Improv, an exceptional spreadsheet}
> \blank
> \setuplayout[quotation]
> \quotation{Pito Salas, a developer at ATG, decided to attack this problem. 
> After a few months of studying existing real-world examples, it became clear 
> that the data, views of that data, and the formulas that acted on that data 
> were very separate concepts. Yet in every case, the existing spreadsheet 
> programs required the user to type all of these items into the same 
> (typically single) sheet's cells.}
> \par
> \setuplayout[reset]
> \startalignment[flushright]
> \blank[2*big]
> {\em Source:  Wikipedia:Lotus Improv}
> <<<<
> I am sure that it is something simple that I am missing here, but any
> guidance would be most appreciated.

You can’t use a customized layout to change the margins of a part of the page 
use the quotation environment or put the quotation in a narrower environment.

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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