On Mon, 21 Oct 2013, Otared Kavian wrote:

Dear Hans,

I noticed a difference between mkii and mkiv in the behavior of \mframed: it 
seems that in mkiv the frame is not vertically aligned with the the + sign in 
the following example (or rather it is not vertically centered, please see the 
attached PDF produced with ConTeXt  ver: 2013.10.15 13:52 MKIV).
Does one have to use now a new key to require this sort of alignment?

Best regard: OK

%%%% begin mframed-example.tex



Since for $|x| < 1$ we have
\log(1+x) = \graymath{x- \displaystyle{x^2\over2}} + {x^3 \over 3} + \cdots
we may write $\log(1+x) = x + O(x^2)$.

%%%% end mframed-example.tex

Search for "Alignment in inmframed" in the mailing list archives.

% The next statement is part of the core. Included it here for % illustration.

\definemathframed[mcframed] [location=mathematics]


\ln (1+x) = \mcframed[background=color,backgroundcolor=red,foregroundcolor=white,frame=off]{x - {\frac {x^2}{\frac{x^3}{\frac{x^3}{3}}}}} +

\ln (1+x) = \mcframed{x - {\frac {x^2}{\frac{x^3}{\frac{x^3}{3}}}}} + \frac{x^3}{3}-\cdots.


If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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archive  : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki     : http://contextgarden.net

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