On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 10:00 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:
> Hi,
> I uploaded a beta. The most significant (visible) change is in the way mp
> handles outlines. Here are some examples:
> % outlinetext   (text) transformations ;
> % outlinetext.d (text) (draw options) transformations ;
> % outlinetext.f (text) (fill options) transformations ;
> % outlinetext.b (text) (draw options) (fill options) transformations ;
> % outlinetext.r (text) (fill options) (draw options) transformations ;
> \starttext
> \startMPpage
>     draw outlinetext.b
>         ("\framed[align=normal]{\input{tufte}}")
>         (withcolor .5white)
>         (withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 1/10)
>         xsized 10cm ;
> \stopMPpage
> \startMPpage
>     draw outlinetext.r
>         ("\framed[align=normal]{\input{tufte}}")
>         (withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 1/10)
>         (withcolor .5white)
>         xsized 10cm ;
> \stopMPpage
> \startMPpage
>     draw outlinetext.d
>         ("\framed[align=normal]{\input{tufte}}")
>         (withcolor .5white)
>         xsized 10cm ;
> \stopMPpage
> \startMPpage
>     picture p ; p := outlinetext.p("PX") ;
>     for i within p :
>         draw i withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 1/10 ;
>     endfor ;
> \stopMPpage
> \stoptext


This also makes it easy to "drop a shadow", a simplified version being
something like:




    draw outlinetext.b
        (withcolor .85white)
        (withcolor .85white withpen pencircle scaled 1)
        shifted (0.5,-0.5) ;

    draw outlinetext.f
        (withcolor .7white)
        shifted (0.5,-0.5) ;

    draw outlinetext.b
        (withcolor yellow)
        (withcolor black withpen pencircle scaled 1/10);



... but I believe one could now address this*** as well (with some
extra hacking of shadings):
;) ;) ;)

The font previews are also amazing.


*** Some time ago someone made me a poster on a colourful background
in Photoshop (background had both black and white elements). He used a
white font with black outline and gray dropped shadow. I reproduced
the content in ConTeXt, but I wasn't able to reproduce the nice shadow
that made the text stand out better and thus more readable. In the
printing house they asked me why I went from good to worse (ie. from
PhotoShop to TeX) by "decreasing the visibility" of letters. I assume
that doing smooth shadow behind the letters should finally be possible
in ConTeXt now as well. [Alan will probably disagree.]
If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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archive  : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki     : http://contextgarden.net

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