On 11/16/2017 10:14 PM, Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:40:40 -0700, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
>> [...]
>> I must confess that this is far beyond my knowledge. I never used
>> \definefont.
> Mainly useful for testing for bugs in other macros etc..

Dear Idris,

I may be wrong, but I see it \definefont as remains from MkII in MkIV.
(I know that my previous statement comes from my lack of ConTeXt knowledge.)

I tend to use a single typeface (maybe with a fallback for Greek glyphs)
in my documents. This is much easier to maintain.

>> No previous typescript is required (Larabiefont doesn’t have one).
> Yes, SimpleFonts work, but then might as well set the whole document that  
> way -)

This is already ConTeXt core code. BTW, contrary to your fears, it
doesn’t set the whole document that way:

    \definefont[PagellaRegular]     [texgyrepagella-regular.otf at 14pt]
    \definefont[PagellaRegularSmall][texgyrepagella-regular.otf at 12pt]

    \definefontfamily[nonexisting][rm][TeX Gyre Cursor]


    \setupnote [footnote]


    \startframedtext[width=4.5in,offset=0pt] \PagellaRegular
    More text

    \dorecurse{5}{\input zapf}

Or use \switchtobodyfont[nonexisting] (if you feel more confortable with
it). In any case, both commands work as you’d expect on my computer.

>> But for explanations, I’m afraid I’m only an average user :-(.
> Pablo, you are anything but an average user :-) Many thanks for your time  
> and help.

With average user, I mean I don’t fully understand the code that I read
(and I cannot write code for ConTeXt [either TeX or Lua]). Otherwise, I
would be contributing code to ConTeXt.

I hope it helps,

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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