Title: Code Red Got me

I know I patched this server but I am not taking any more chances.

Hello Folks -

It appears one of my servers got the backdoor worm - I can scan it sometimes and it shows clean and other times a memory scan shows an infection.  There is no root.exe file anywhere on the server so I am not totally convinced but I prefer not to take chances.

I have disabled the www service for now and am backing up my data.  I am wondering if there is a way to recover my SAM database without running a risk of re-infection?  I can recreate it but it would add hours to this and I would prefer not to.  Since I do not know when the infection took place I am not sure of a reliable pre-infection backup so I am not even going to attempt that route. 

Would an ERD made today have the SAM?  Should I trust it if it does?

The server is a P111 with 2 gigs of ram Win2k SP2 Sql 7 IIS 5 - web server - no standalone - no domain.




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