Title: RE: NT 4 VPN and TCP/IP only
Browsing may work 'fine' but is it efficient? i.e. network traffic? Why the resistance to implement WINS?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 9:29 AM
Subject: RE: NT 4 VPN and TCP/IP only

I do not run wins anywhere else for and browsing work fine.  The only time I have a problem with browsing is RAS/VPN and I really do not want to install it just for that.  LMHOSTS can work but as said before can be a big nightmare.  I have 2 DC's and yes I am doing replication for the logon scripts and yes it is working.  Just tried again on a 95 client without login in to 95 and when I made the VPN connection the logon script did run.

Now on the next little bit for that one, what about my W2K clients that have to logon to be able to use the machine?  How do I get the logon script to run for them?

As log as the logon script will run I really do not care about browsing.  None of the people would have a need to browse as long as the logon script ran.

Blake Fowkes
Waid and Associates

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Bodnar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 8:11 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: NT 4 VPN and TCP/IP only

Why don't you want to use WINS, it would solve you problem?
You can use LMHOSTS files as a replacement.
There are a few issues with running the logon scripts.  How many DC's? If more than one are you sure the logon script exists on all DC's? On the Win 9x clients are they using the windows login first? If so logon scripts won't run. Those clients must bypass the Windows logon when booting up, and then when they validate against the VPN server it will prompt them to logon , and run the logon scripts.

Chris Bodnar
The Lehigh Group
610-966-9702 X:134
-----Original Message-----
From: Blake R. Fowkes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 8:56 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: NT 4 VPN and TCP/IP only
I have just setup a VPN server in our office and am having problems browsing.  When a client connects he is not able to browse the network and the logon script does not run.  When he connects everything appears to be fine.  My server is NT 4 SP 6a and the clients are W2K and Win 95/98.  All of the clients are having this problem.  We are not running Wins and I do not want to load it.  Does anyone know what I am doing wrong or setting that I need to change to get the logon scripts to run and the browsing to work properly?

Blake Fowkes
Waid and Associates



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