"reg" doesn't seem to save any of the subkey data related to a key when using the "SAVE" switch.
I can save DHCPServer/Configuration with regedit, I get a file that contains all the relevant information, when I save the same key HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCPServer\Configuration with reg , I do not get the same results, there are no entries (in the saved file) in any of the subkeys after doing a reg save.
The command I am using is
reg save DHCPRegCfg HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCPServer\Configuration \\srvname
the DHCPRegCfg file that is created like I said does not contain any data in the subkeys, I have tried both the 2/99 and the 5/19 version, neither work as expected.
Is there another utility I can use to save then restore the key (as well as the key data) ?
R.E. Young MCSE
Client Server Systems Engineering
Dallas, TX

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