Title: Screen Saver to Lock Workstation
I thought that was what NT workstation did if you put password protection on for the screensaver.  It uses the password of the NT account logged in to lock the screen & computer...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 11:33 PM
Subject: Screen Saver to Lock Workstation

Hey All,

Just wondering if anyone knows of a screen saver or something that will lock a NT Workstation if it isnt used for X minutes. We have a machine behind reception which is used for DB Queries and everyone always leaves it loged in. Ive decided to make it hard for them by having the workstation lock if they dont use it for 5 minutes. That way the next person to use it will have to track down the previous user to unlock it. Im sure the annoyance will fix it REALLY quick!!!

Any ideas how i could achieve this, i dont want a screensaver password i want the workstation locked.


- -
Ryan McBride (MCSE)
Network & Comms Administrator
Strategic Management Works


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