You have to have at least read access explicitly defined in the SMS Site for
your account.  If you installed the SMS site under a Domain Administrator
account, that account explicitly has all of the necessary permissions.
Please note that if you belong to Domain Admins, that is not enough.  Check
out the smsadmin.chm file which should be located on the Site Server.  It
will give you detailed instructions on how to set the permissions.

Andre Correa
Senior Manager/Information Technology
Lexitron, Inc
(201) 892-6399

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Don Ely [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, September 05, 2001 12:03 PM
To:     NT System Admin Issues
Subject:        RE: SMS Admin Console

RTFM comes to mind.  Being an SMS Administrator comes to mind also.
Just "installing" the admin program does not give you access to the SMS

Checking how the security is configured in SMS comes to mind also.

My mind is shot now, I can't remember a thing.

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Armstrong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 8:41 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: SMS Admin Console

Hello All,

i have just started working on SMS 2.0 and I can access the Admin
Console on the SMS Server. the problem I am getting is that I want to
run the Admin Console from my workstation. I installed the console from
the SMS install and I gave my account full permissions to the server by
copying the permissions from the administrator via the wizard. Each &
every time I try to connect to the server, it says the connection
failed. I have rebooted the server to see if the permissions would take
effect but still no dice, I assume that if I looged on as Administrator
on my machine i can access the console but I need to access it under my
account. Any insight on how I can get to access the Admin console
remotely under my account? TIA!!!

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