Title: Outlook 2k - No more space on Exchange for Rules

Hey all,

A quick one which i hope you can help me with.

We have a special email address which we use for responses to jobs we
advertise. However I have been requesed to make an automatic responder to
this email addressed. You know the usual crap "thanx for applying, blah
blah blah..."

Easiest way i thought would be to create a rule on Outlook 2K
Check mail when Arrives > When sent to Careers > Have server reply using <Template>

Nice an easy until i get this REALLY annoying error message
"There is not enough space on the MS Exchange Server to store all of your
rules. The rules that failed to upload have been deactivated"

And this is the rule which i need. We are running Exchange 5.5 SP3 in a
single site supporting approx 60 mailboxes. All clients using MS Outlook

Suggestions?? I have read the MS KB Article which mentioned the error
message but the fix didnt make any sense. Q241325

Thanx All

- -
Ryan McBride (MCSE)
Network & Comms Administrator
Strategic Management Works

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