Title: OT: e-mail privacy - where do we stand
Hi Ryan
As you are in Australia... I believe that email privacy is covered under Australia's privacy legislation in the same way that snail mail is.  ie.  If it is in a mailbox specifically for you it is against the law for another person to deliberately read your email.  I believe there are very stiff penalties for breaches as well.
I think the key word here is deliberate.  If you can prove that someone was deliberately accessing your mailbox then I suggest you contact the privacy commission.
Regards... Greg
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 9:55 AM
Subject: OT: e-mail privacy - where do we stand

Ok this is a question i would like to see answered. What is the law in regards to privacy of email. Who is allowed Legally  to read your emails whilst your an employee in a company. Im sure this is a very big grey area and would be interested to see what all of you think. Ie: If your manager has it in for you, is he allowed to start shifting through all your emails behind your back wihtout you knowning.

Also what is the deal with a IT Support person. If we should "stumble" across a email we wernt meant to see. Where do we stand legally on that as well.

Thanx all in advance. Id be VERY interested to see what you all think.
- -
Ryan McBride (MCSE)
Network & Comms Administrator
Strategic Management Works

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