Am I the only one that thinks that imaginary friends have caused enough
trouble. If our species could put this whole god thing behind us maybe,
just maybe, we could approach our problems rationally and find better
solutions than what has happened today and what will happen as a result
of it.

Some people will think the perpetrators are going to heaven as martyrs,
some will think they are destined for hell as sinners. I just think a
lot of people died needlessly today (and every day) because of the human
fascination with "supreme beings" and this constant struggle for who has
the better imaginary friend.


-----Original Message-----
From: Laura Swartout [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 9:57 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack

The news said that there were 5 planes hijacked. 4 are accounted for (2
NYC, 1 pentagon, 1 crashed in PA (plane was originally scheduled to fly
San Francisco)). They don't know where the 5th is. No news about any of
those planes being shot down by the military. 

The news just reported that the Palestinians are celebrating in the
shouting "God is Great". I sincerely doubt that God is celebrating.

GOD BLESS AMERICA! Let's pray that the terror these cowards hope to
in us instead more strongly unites us as a great and noble nation. 

Deepest sympathies to families, friends and loved ones of those who have
been murdered today. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Gareth Campling [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 10:36 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: NewYork Terrorist Attack

deepest sympathys to everyone involved in this tragic day. can anyone
in the states elaberate on the rumours on UK TV about a 4th airplane ?
and US military to shoot down ? , all i can say is i hope it is pure

Best wishes to all

Best regards,
 Gareth, MCP                           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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